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Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy in Alternative Cancer Treatment

Advancements are being made in alternative cancer treatments with an increasing number of patients opting for alternative treatments instead of conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These alternative treatments include hypnosis, high dose intravenous vitamin C, exercise, acupuncture, etc.[1] Ozone therapy is another revolutionary treatment that is being used in several leading alternative cancer centers around the world.

Ozone therapy is an alternative medicine procedure that uses ozone gas, a form of oxygen made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3) instead of two, to combat diseases like cancer. It is useful in cancer treatment as it increases tissue oxygenation. Cancer reduces the availability of oxygen to healthy cells; hence, they are unable to assist in the normal functions of the body.

When ozone gas is injected into the body, an oxygen-rich environment is created in which cancer cells are unable to grow well, or even survive. Tumors having low concentrations of O2 are difficult to treat using conventional treatments like radiation and chemotherapy so tumor oxygenation by ozone gas helps.[2]

During ozone therapy, ozone gas is usually administered by a technique called major autohemotherapy or autohemotransfusion. In this procedure, medical grade ozone gas is injected into the blood drawn from a patient. Ozone gas is allowed to mix with the blood and the ozonated blood is infused back into the patient’s body.

Ozone gas reacts with the blood to produce oxidative molecules such as peroxides and helps the body fight against cancer cells. Besides major autohemotherapy, other routes can also be used to deliver ozone therapy, such as ear and rectal insufflation.

 Many research studies have shown the benefits of ozone therapy.[3, 4] Ozone gas is much more energized and more potent than simple oxygen. It is an extremely effective oxidant and breaks down chemical compounds into their basic constituents, consequently, improving the body’s antioxidant capabilities. It improves the circulation and oxygen supply by increasing the flow of blood in the body.

By stimulating the enzyme diphosphoglycerate (DPG), it causes an increase in the uptake of O2 by the cells. This helps the cells to function properly and provides the extra O2 required to boost the healing process. Further, it acts as an immune modulator, enhancing the immune system by increasing the activity of the white blood cells.[5] Also, recent studies reveal that ozone therapy helps to treat fatigue in cancer patients.[6]

Although some studies show that ozone therapy is effective and safe, others argue that there is not much evidence available to prove the effectiveness and safety of the therapy.[7] Ozone gas is harmful to the lungs and a small amount can irritate the lungs and throat, resulting in shortness of breath, coughing, and damage to lung tissue.

Direct intravenous infusion of ozone can lead to pulmonary embolism and death. Ozone therapy is contraindicated in pregnancy, acute hemolytic anemia, and blood clotting issues.

Ozone therapy has shown the potential to be an essential part of alternative cancer treatments.[4]  It has very few adverse effects and has the potential to help improve health in a variety of illnesses. However, further research studies are needed to establish it as an integral part of cancer treatments.


1. Bao, Y., et al., Complementary and alternative medicine for cancer pain: an overview of systematic reviews. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2014. 2014: p. 170396.

2. Vaupel, P. and A. Mayer, Hypoxia in cancer: significance and impact on clinical outcome. Cancer Metastasis Rev, 2007. 26(2): p. 225-39.

3. Elvis, A.M. and J.S. Ekta, Ozone therapy: A clinical review. J Nat Sci Biol Med, 2011. 2(1): p. 66-70.

4. Luongo, M., et al., Possible Therapeutic Effects of Ozone Mixture on Hypoxia in Tumor Development. Anticancer Res, 2017. 37(2): p. 425-435.

5. Smith, N.L., et al., Ozone therapy: an overview of pharmacodynamics, current research, and clinical utility. Med Gas Res, 2017. 7(3): p. 212-219.

6. Tirelli, U., et al., Oxygen-ozone therapy as support and palliative therapy in 50 cancer patients with fatigue – A short report. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2018. 22(22): p. 8030-8033.

7. Cassileth, B.R. and I.R. Yarett, Cancer quackery: the persistent popularity of useless, irrational ‘alternative’ treatments. Oncology (Williston Park), 2012. 26(8): p. 754-8.

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